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Perme ICU Mobility Score © 2008 TMH
The Perme ICU Mobility Score (Perme Score) was created by Christiane Perme, PT CCS FCCM and it is an ICU-specific tool to measure mobility status of any patients during a critical illness.
Perme Score License Agreement
The Perme Score is copyrighted and Houston Methodist Hospital has all rights.
A License agreement with Houston Methodist Hospital MUST signed your are planning to:
Include the Perme Score in the electronic medical records of a facility - Click here for a copy of the “Perme Score License Agreement”
Translate the Perme Score to any language - Click here for a copy of the “Perme Score License Agreement” for Translation purposes
* Please submit the “Perme Score License Agreement” form to Christiane Perme, PT CCS FCCM at The form must be fully completed and signed by a legal representative.
* Once the License Agreement form completed and signed is submitted, you will then be able to use the Perme Score for clinical and/or research purposes.
There are no charges/fees associated with the use of the Perme Score.
English Version - References
Kenji NR et al. Clinimetric properties of the Perme Intensive Care Unit Mobility Score -a multicenter study for minimum important difference and responsiveness analysis. Colomb Méd (Cali),2023; 54(3):e2005580.
Portuguese Language Translation - Reference
German Language Translation - Reference
Spanish Language Translation - Reference
Japanese Language Translation
Chinese Language Translation
Romanian Language Translation - Reference
Stan DC, Boncuț M, Miron MR, Sandor I, Perme C. Perme Intensive Care Unit Mobility Score and ICU Mobility Scale: translation into Romanian and cross-cultural adaptation for use in Romania. Health, Sports & Rehabilitation Medicine. 2024 Jan 1;25(1).
Click here for a copy of the “Perme Score - Romanian version”
Turkish Language Translation - Reference
Söyler DE. Validity and reliability study of the Turkish version of Perme ICU Mobility Scale. MSc, Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University, Muğla, Turkey, 2019.
Click here for a copy of the “Perme Score - Turkish version”
Additional Perme ICU Mobility Score References:
Ogura K et al. A comprehensive assessment tool of acute-phase rehabilitation is associated with clinical outcomes in patients after cardiovascular surgery. Heart Vessels. 2024 Sep 26. PMID: 39325184.
Yen HC, Chuang HJ, Hsiao WL, Tsai YC, Hsu PM, Chen WS, Han YY. Assessing the impact of early progressive mobilization on moderate-to-severe traumatic brain injury: a randomized controlled trial. Crit Care. 2024 May 22;28(1):172. doi: 10.1186/s13054-024-04940-0. PMID: 38778416; PMCID: PMC11112875.
Nascimento MS, Talerman C, Eid RAC, et al. Application of the Perme Score to assess mobility in patients with COVID-19 in inpatient units. Respiratory Therapy. Can J Respir Ther. 2023 Jul 28;59:167-174. PMCID: PMC10540155.
Kenji Nawa R, Daros Dos Santos T, Albiero Real A, Corrêa Matheus S, Tatsch Ximenes M, Machado Cardoso D, Martins de Albuquerque I. Relationship between Perme ICU Mobility Score and length of stay in patients after cardiac surgery. Colomb Med (Cali). 2022 Jul 30;53(3):e2005179. doi: 10.25100/cm.v53i3.5179. PMID: 37152522; PMCID: PMC10162501.
Mól CG, Timenetsky KT, Silva CSM, Nascimento C, Eid RAC, Nawa RK. Um programa estruturado de reabilitação para pacientes hospitalizados com COVID-19. ASSOBRAFIR Ciênc. 2022;13:e45521. https://doi. org/10.47066/2177-9333.AC.2022.0047.
Gatty A, Samuel SR, Alaparthi GK, Prabhu D, Upadya M, Krishnan S, Amaravadi SK. Effectiveness of structured early mobilization protocol on mobility status of patients in medical intensive care unit. Physiother Theory Pract. 2022 Oct;38(10):1345-1357. doi: 10.1080/09593985.2020.1840683. Epub 2020 Nov 23. PMID: 33228448.
Yen HC, Han YY, Hsiao WL, Hsu PM, Pan GS, Li MH, Chen WS, Chuang HJ. Functional mobility effects of progressive early mobilization protocol on people with moderate-to-severe traumatic brain injury: A pre-post intervention study. NeuroRehabilitation. 2022;51(2):303-313. doi: 10.3233/NRE-220023. PMID: 35723117.
EC Wilches Luna, C Perme, AC Gastaldi. Relationship between potential barriers to early mobilization in adult patients during intensive care stay using the Perme ICU Mobility score. Can J Respir Ther 2021;57:148–153. doi: 10.29390/cjrt-2021-018.
Timenetsky KT et al. The Perme Mobility Index: A new concept to assess mobility level in patients with coronavirus (COVID-19) infection. PLoS One. 2021 Apr 21;16(4): e0250180. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0250180. PMID: 33882081.
Thielo LF, Quintana LD, Rabuske M. Protocolo fisioterapêutico com base na escala Perme Intensive Care Unit Mobility Score para doentes críticos. ASSOBRAFIR Ciênc. 2020;11:e42249. https://
Perme C et al. Relationship of the Perme ICU Mobility Score and Medical Research Council Sum Score With Discharge Destination for Patients in 5 Different Intensive Care Units. Journal of Acute Care Physical Therapy: October 2020 - Volume 11 - Issue 4 - p 171-177. doi: 10.1097/JAT.0000000000000132.
Wilches EC et al. Spanish version of the Perme Intensive Care Unit Mobility Score: Minimal Detectable Change and Responsiveness. Physiotherapy Research International. Version of record online: 14 September 2020.
Pereira CS et al. The Perme scale score as a predictor of functional status and complications after discharge from the intensive care unit in patients undergoing liver transplantation. Rev Bras Ter Intensiva. 2019;31(1):57-62.
Wilkens S et al. Perme Intensive Care Unit Mobility Score. Pflegen Intensiv 2018;15(3): 64-67. (German).

About the Perme Score
The Perme Score was developed to measure a patient’s mobility status starting with the ability to follow commands and culminating in the distance walked in 2 minutes.
It ranges from 0 to 32 and reflects the patient’s mobility status at a particular moment in time.
The score is derived from 15 items grouped in 7 categories:
Mental Status
Potential mobility barriers
Functional strength
Bed mobility
The above categories were designed to reflect the impaired mobility of patients in the ICU, which can arise from a variety of factors.
A “High Perme Score” indicates few potential mobility barriers in ICU and decreased assistance needed for mobility activities.
A “Low Perme Score” indicates more potential barriers to mobility in ICU and more assistance needed for mobility activities.
Clinicians are encouraged to use the Perme Score for clinical and research practice for any patient in ICU.